
Season 1 Episodes (25)

Discover the forgotten and astonishing story of our nation's foundation in the American Heritage Series. From Separation of Church and State, to the Civil Rights Movement, the heroism of our founding Fathers to the building of our nation's monuments, this series will inspire every American to reclaim the Godly, true story of our nation.

Starring David Barton

Season 1 Episodes (18)

America's story is more bold, colorful, and compelling than you ever imagined! The time is now to rediscover the vision, passion, and wisdom of those who laid the foundations of our nation. Join historian David Barton with special guests Glenn Beck, Rick Green, Dr. Carol M. Swain, and Congresswoman Michele Bachmann as they explore the America our Founding Fathers envisioned.

Genres Faith and Spirituality, Special Interest, Documentary

Starring David Barton, Michele Bachmann, Rick Green

Season 1 Episodes (8)

The American Heritage Collection brings together seven of historian David Barton's most popular programs in a special gift set edition. Explore the Bible's influence on American culture from government to education. Become an eyewitness to the nation's Christian heritage with an exclusive tour of the U.S. capitol, and enjoy the rich history of faith in the founding era.

Starring David Barton

Season 1 Episodes (13)

Historian David Barton is back with the second installment of his popular American Heritage Series. Accompanied by former legislator, Rick Green, David Barton navigates our nation's unique religious, moral and constitutional heritage and answers the questions Americans are asking today. Join David Barton as he traces America's history back to the source in Building on the American Heritage.

Starring David Barton, Rick Green

Season 1 Episodes (12)

Join Christian historian David Barton and former Texas legislator Rick Green as they advocate for the original intent of our founding documents in this one-of-a-kind series on the meaning and purpose of the Constitution. Constitution Alive is a truly unique opportunity to regain an intimate knowledge of the Constitution ever American citizen should have.

Director Rick Green Starring David Barton, Rick Green